Taking your business to the world one Order @ a time
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Grow Your Business Worldwide

Success is more than ever a function of selling to clients directly throughout the global marketplace and delivering the goods they want before your competition does. This requires robust data processing systems, efficient logistics and state-of-the-art distribution networks. NETREFLEX delivers just that: the smartest eBusiness solutions that empower you to grow worldwide.

Secure Web Commerce CenterTM
Now, companies of any size can easily handle all of their e-commerce as efficiently as Fortune 500 corporations. Whether you process orders in-house or rely on call and fulfillment centers, we provide you the most cost-effective turnkey solution.

Ensuring your Business Success State-of-the-art technology and in-house Customer Service Managers provide you personalized service and peace of mind that no one can access your business data without your authorization.

Modular and Scalable Solution Our service configuration remains optimal - fitting your specific needs as you grow. We can also provide you a network of call and fulfillment centers. This is especially critical when you expand your business into new distant markets.
Better yet. The built-in versatility of our exclusive shopping cart system and eBusiness services lets you effortlessly manage an unlimited number of international Web sites dedicated to B2C, B2B, affiliates & vendors.

Maximize ROI Exclusive market intelligence lets you optimize inventory production, increase your marketing thrust and maximize your bottom line. Best of all, because NETREFLEX provides you Fortune 500 tools and efficiencies at a fraction of the cost, your biggest concern will be deciding where to invest all your extra profits.

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World's Tallest Building - Shanghai, China
ARCHITECTS: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates PC & Mori Building Company Ltd.
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Secure Web Commerce Center
International Shopping Cart lets your customers select the language & currency they prefer

Retail, Wholesale & Affiliate Sites all your web, phone & fax orders are automatically merged & processed

Real Time Credit Card processing for sale of product, services, subscriptions, e-books, games & downloads

Direct Deposits put the funds into your own bank account

Secure Order Processing ensures the integrity of your business

Call Center operators handle in/out-bound calls for regular volumes & TV infomercial peaks. They cross-sell, up-sell & close your orders

Fulfillment Centers ship your orders around the world within 24 hours & sends you low inventory alerts

Professional WEB HOSTING
FREE set-up

unlimited hosting space
Host Multiple Domains
includes WordPress
24/7 Chat & Phone Support

Fast and Safe Browsing with Nord VPN for PC, Tablet and Mobile devices
Nord VPN Fast & Safe Browsing on your Mobile, PC & Tablet

NetReflex™ Trademark of NETREFLEX INC.   © 2005-2024 NETREFLEX INC.    All Rights Reserved.
Last updated Saturday, June 15, 2024